Saturday, April 28, 2007

Recent Tower Pics

The most interesting new revelation is that all that white stone in the fields around the tower, on the hill on the way up, and in the woods below, is quartz. Someone said it was and I didn't really believe it, so I took two pieces home and struck them together in the dark. Doing that with quartz generates light, and Ill be dad-blamed if it didn't light up like little fireflies where the stones hit. Quartz is a pretty special stone, even when it's milky and not clear. Not only does it light up like that, but it has some quality having to do with electricity which I would look up and describe correctly for you if I weren't so lazy.

I'll have to get you a picture of some of the white stone right near the tower. I have pretty many taken of it in the woods and along the drive up to the tower, but none up there. I'll see what I can do.

I think I have more photos but this will do for now.